CDIC 2024

Last week, several of the SABII team presented at the 2024 Communicable Diseases and Immunisation Conference, hosted in Brisbane, Queensland. This year’s theme was Protecting Communities: Empowering Health through Disease Control and Immunisation’.

[left to right: Kerrie Wiley, Emma Campbell, Rebika Nepali, Addy Tinessia, Majdi Sabahelzain, Julie Leask]

Rebika Nepali outlines a few of the conference highlights below:

I had such an enriching experience attending the Communicable Diseases and Immunisation Conference 2024, Brisbane. I had the great opportunity to network with many inspiring individuals. Some key highlights from the conference include (my personal experience):

Speaker Tiahni Adamson shed light on “Caring for the country in a climate crisis” with insights from the First Nations community and emphasised how listening to the needs of people is important in decision-making.

As we know 2024 is 50th anniversary of “Expanded Program on Immunisation” EPI, Journey from Smallpox and Polio eradication and prospects for Measles elimination by Professor Peter McIntyre is worth reflecting on.