To inform how social and behavioural science can be best be incorporated into the newly established Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC), we gathered evidence on global best practice. We explored how countries with comparable health systems use social sciences in public health decision-making. We considered organisational structures, functional outputs, and expert reflections and suggestions. We synthesised data from: 

  • a desk review of the use of social sciences by public health agencies in 37 OECD countries 
  • eleven qualitative key informant interviews with government professionals and academics from ten countries who had insight into the use of social science in public health decision-making. 

Suggested citation: Campbell E, Batten N, King C, Frawley J, Attwell K, Danchin M, Wiley K, for the Collaboration on Social Science in Immunisation. Embedding social science into public health and disease control: Informing best practice for the Australian Centre for Disease Control. December 2024 [download the full report here (pdf file)]

This study was funded by Dr Kerrie Wiley’s National Health and Medical Research Council Investigator Grant GNT2008650, and her Sydney Horizons Fellowship (2024).