Recent Publications & Reports

- Abdi I, Tinessia A, Mahimbo A, Sheel M, Leask J, Is it time to retire the label “CALD” in public health research and practice? Medical Journal of Australia,
Sabahelzain MM, Dwyer H, Abimbola S, Leask, J. Implications of conflict on vaccination in the Sahel region. BMJ Glob Health 2025;10:e016496. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2024-016496
- E. Harwood, K. Taylor, K. Clark, P. Murray, J. Stephenson, K. Bolsewicz, J. Leask, K. Crooks,
Yarning about vaccinations: Empowering individuals to have supportive conversations with Aboriginal peoples about vaccinations, using a community-engaged approach, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health,
2025, 100206, ISSN 1326-0200, - Robinson P, Degeling C, Wiley K, Carter S, Leask J. Evidence gaps and challenges in maintaining and increasing vaccine uptake: A Delphi survey with Australian stakeholders. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 2025; 36(1):e875.
- Sabahelzain, M.M., Almaleeh, A., Abdelmagid, N. et al. Vaccination strategies to identify and reach zero-dose and under-immunized children in crisis-affected states in Sudan: a qualitative study. Confl Health 18, 76 (2024).
- Campbell E, Batten N, King C, Frawley J, Attwell K, Danchin M, Wiley K, for the Collaboration on Social Science in Immunisation. Embedding social science into public health and disease control: Informing best practice for the Australian Centre for Disease Control. December 2024.
- M.S Abdallah, T. Jumma, Y.A.M. Elhadi and Majdi M. Sabahelzain, Impact of gender-biased parental perceptions on under-immunization in Eastern Sudan: a cross-sectional study, Volume 5, Frontiers in Global Women’s Health, 29 October 2024.
- K.E.Wiley et al, Project Update – “Healthy Aquaculture in Tanzania: Assessing current challenges and potential solutions (HATACS project)”, August 2024. [English pdf version] [Swahili pdf version].
Christou-Ergos, M. and Sabahelzain, M. and Steffens, M. and Kaufman, J. and Bolsewicz, K.T. and Danchin, M. and Leask, J., The Drivers of Influenza Vaccination in Adults: Insights from a National Australian Survey (August 26, 2024), SSRN.
Leask, J. and Christou-Ergos, M. and Abdi, I. and Mbossou, F. and Sabahelzain, M.M. and Wiley, K. and Lambach, P and Sim, S.Y., Informing the Development of Transmission Modelling Guidance for Global Immunization Decision-Making: A Qualitative Needs Assessment (August 26, 2024), SSRN.
- Randell, M., Wahyono, TYM., Dynes, M., Tinessia, A., Li, M., Danchin, M., Oktarinda, Fitriyani, F., Saraswati, LD., Jenkins, K., Aung, KD., Noorzad, AK., Shetye, M., Dewi, L., Yosephine, P., Leask, J., & Sheel., M. (2024). Service disruptions, trauma and burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic among healthcare providers delivering immunisation and maternal and child health services in Indonesia. BMJ Global Health, 0:e014318. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2023-014318
Randell, M. et al (2024) Perceptions and demand for routine immunization and other maternal and child health services during COVID-19 pandemic among caregivers and healthcare providers in Indonesia [download PDF]
- Christou-Ergos, M., Bleicher, K., Leask, J. (2024) Factors associated with vaccination intention and uptake over time in a sample of older Australians, Vaccine, in press.
- Christou-Ergos M, Leask J, Wiley KE, (2024) The experience of traumatic events, psychological distress, and social support: links to COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and trends with age in a group of older Australians, BMC Geriatrics, 24, 302.
- Tembo, A. (2024) The place of philosophy in nursing, Nursing Philosophy 25 (1):e12473.
- Randell, M., Sheel, M., Dynes, M., et al (2024) Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on caregiver beliefs and experiences of routine childhood immunisation in Indonesia, Vaccine, 42; 4.
- Degeling, C., Leask, J., Attwell, K. et al. (2024) Public values to guide childhood vaccination mandates: A report on four Australian community juries, Health Expectations, 27, 1.
- Hooker C., Marques, M., Goldwater, M., Degeling, C. and Leask, J. (2023). Values in risk communication about Covid-19. In Lewis, M., Govender, E., and Holland, K. (eds) Communicating Covid-19: Media, Trust, and Public Engagement. Vol II. London: Palgrave MacMillan.ISBN: 978-3-031-41236-3.
Wiley, K., Christou-Ergos, M., Degeling, C. et al. (2023) Childhood vaccine refusal and what to do about it: a systematic review of the ethical literature, BMC Medical Ethics, 24, 96.
Kropich-Grant, J.N.; Wiley, K.E.; Manyweathers, J.; Thompson, K.R.; Brookes, V.J. (2023) Communication Interventions and Assessment of Drivers for Hendra Virus Vaccination Uptake. Vaccines, 11, 936.
Christou-Ergos, M., Wiley, K. E., & Leask, J. (2023). Association between traumatic life events and vaccine hesitancy: A cross-sectional Australian study. Public Health (London).
- Christou-Ergos M, Leask J, Wiley KE, (2022) Willingness to receive a vaccine is influenced by adverse events following immunisation experienced by others, Vaccine, 41; 1.
- Dube E., … Leask J., et al. (2023) Vaccination barriers and drivers in Romania: a focused ethnographic study. Eur J Public Health 33:222-227 doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckac135.
- Gori, D…Leask, J., et al (2023) COVID-19 Vaccine Refusal and Delay among Adults in Italy: Evidence from the OBVIOUS Project, a National Survey in Italy. Vaccines; 11:839.
- Capodici A, Montalti M,…Leask J. et al (2023) Influenza vaccination landscape in Italy: A comprehensive study through the OBVIOUS project lens Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics;19:2252250.
- Bruce BR, Leask J, De Vries BS, Shepherd HL. Midwives’ perspectives of intravenous fluid management and fluid balance documentation in labour: A qualitative reflexive thematic analysis study. J Adv Nurs, 79:749-761
- Bruce MB, Leask J, Shepherd H, de Vries B. O63 – The Impact of IV Fluid Management on Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes in Labour Women and Birth;36:S25. (Conference Abstract)
- Basseal JM…Leask, J. et al. Key lessons from the COVID-19 public health response in AustraliaThe Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific; 30.
- Wiley, K., Robinson, P., Degeling, C., Ward, P., Leask, J., & Carter, S. (2022). “Get your own house in order”: Qualitative dialogue groups with non-vaccinating parents on how measles outbreaks in their community should be managed. Health Expectations.
- Christou-Ergos M, Wiley KE, Leask J, Shapiro GK. (2022) Traumatic Events and Vaccination Decisions: A Systematic Review. Vaccines.
- Christou-Ergos M, Leask J, Wiley KE. How the experience of medical trauma shapes Australian non-vaccinating parents’ vaccine refusal for their children: A qualitative exploration, SSM-Qualitative Research in Health.
- Rikard-Bell, M., Elhindi, J., Lam, J., Seeho, S., Black, K., Melov, S., , Jenkins G, McNab J, Wiley K, Pasupathy, D. (2022). COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among pregnant women and the reasons for hesitancy. A multicentre cross-sectional survey Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
- Jalloh, M. F., Patel, P., Stutton, R., Kulkarni, S., Toure, M., Wiley, K…Sierra Leone Urban Information Needs Assessment Group (2022) Qualitative assessment of caregiver experiences when navigating childhood immunisation in urban communities in Sierra Leone. BMJ Open.
- Robinson, P.A., Levy, D.C., Hooker, C., Shaban, R.Z., Nahidi, S., Leask, J., & Wiley, K.E. (2022) COVID-19 testing decisions and behaviours in two Australian cities. Health Promotion Journal of Australia.
- Chapman, G., Imam, M., Khan, A., Smoll, N., Adegbija, O., Kirk, M. Wiley, K. (2022). “Scary to get, more scary not to”: COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among healthcare worker’s in Central Queensland, Australia, a cross sectional survey. Communicable Diseases Intelligence.
- Crawford, T. and Leask J. A discourse analysis of health provider interactions with parents who are reluctant to vaccinate. Patient Education and Counseling.
- Carlson SJ, McRae JE, Wiley KE, Leask J, & K., M. (2021). Knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding influenza among parents of infants hospitalised for acute respiratory infection in Australia. Public Health Research and Practice.
- Biezen R.,…Leask, J. et al (2022) Factors impacting COVID-19 vaccine decision making in older adults and people with underlying conditions in Victoria, Australia: A cross-sectional survey Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics 18:2147770.
- Kaufman J., …Leask J, et al (2022) Vaccine champions training program: empowering community leaders to advocate for COVID-19 vaccines Vaccines;10(11):1893
- Thomas S…Leask J., et al. Structural and social inequities contribute to pockets of low childhood immunisation in New South Wales, Australia Vaccine X 12: 100200.
- Böhm R.,…Leask J, et al. Crowdsourcing interventions to promote uptake of COVID-19 booster vaccines, EClinicalMedicine; 53:101632
- Vujovich-Dunn C.,…Leask, J. et al. Measuring school level attributable risk to support school-based HPV vaccination programs, BMC Public Health, 22(1):822
- Bruce, B., Hartz, D.L., Tracy, S.K., Leask, J. & de Vries, B.S. The administration of intravenous fluids to nulliparous women in labour: A retrospective clinical chart review and fluid balance documentation audit Collegian; 29(3):364-369
- Crawford, T. and Leask J. A discourse analysis of health provider interactions with parents who are reluctant to vaccinate Patient Education and Counseling;105(5):1224-8.
- World Health Organization, Understanding the behavioural and social drivers of vaccine uptake WHO position paper – May 2022. Weekly Epidemiological Record 2022;97:209–224
- Attwell K, Hannah A, Leask J. COVID-19: talk of ‘vaccine hesitancy’ lets governments off the hook Nature; 602(7898):574-7.
- Shapiro GK, Gottfredson N, Leask J, Wiley K, Ganter-Restrepo FE, Jones SP, Menning L, Brewer NT. COVID-19 and missed or delayed vaccination in 26 middle- and high-income countries: An observational survey Vaccine; 40(6):945-52
- Shapiro, G.K., Gottfredson, N., Leask, J., Wiley, K., Ganter-Restrepo, F.E., Jones, S. P….Brewer, N. T. (2021). COVID-19 and missed or delayed vaccination in 26 middle-and high-income countries: An observational survey. Vaccine.
- Court, J., Carter, S. M., Attwell, K., Leask, J., & Wiley, K. E. (2021). Labels Matter: Use and non-use of ‘anti-vax’ framing in Australian media discourse 2008-2018. Social Science and Medicine.
- Wiley KE, Leask J, Attwell K, Helps C, Barclay L, Ward PR, & Carter SM. (2021). Stigmatized for standing up for my child: A qualitative study of non-vaccinating parents in Australia. Social Science and Medicine – Population Health.
- Wiley, K.E., Levy, D., Shapiro, G.K., Dube, E., SteelFisher, G.K., Sevdalis, N…Leask, J. (2021). A user-centered approach to developing a new tool measuring the behavioural and social drivers of vaccination. Vaccine.
- Leask, J., S. Carlson, K. Attwell, K. Clark, J. Kaufman, C. Hughes, J. Frawley, P. Cashman, H. Seale, K. Wiley, K. Bolsewicz, M. Steffens, and M. Danchin, Communicating with patients and the public about COVID-19 vaccine safety: recommendations from the Collaboration on Social Science and Immunisation, Medical Journal of Australia.
- Shapiro G.K., Kaufman J., Brewer N.T., Wiley K.E., Menning L., Leask J., & BeSD Working Group. (2021). A critical review of measures of childhood vaccine confidence. Current Opinion in Immunology.
- Robinson, P., Wiley, K., & Degeling, C. (2021). Public health practitioner perspectives on dealing with measles outbreaks if high antivaccination sentiment is present. BMC Public Health.
- Frawley, J., McKenzie, K., Janosi, J., Forssman, B., Sullivan, E., & Wiley, K. (2021). The Role of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practitioners in the Information-seeking Pathway of Vaccine-hesitant Parents in the Blue Mountains area, Health & Social Care in the Community.
- Kaufman J, Bagot KL, Hoq M, Leask J, Seale H, Biezen R, Sanci L, Manski-Nankervis J-A, Bell JS, Munro J, Jos C, et al. (2021) Factors Influencing Australian Healthcare Workers; COVID-19 Vaccine Intentions across Settings: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Vaccines.
- Kaufman J, Bagot K, Tuckerman J, Biezen R, Oliver J, Jos C, Suryawijaya Ong D, Manski-Nankervis J, Seale H, Sanci L, Munro J, Bell SJ, Leask J, Danchin M. (2021) Qualitative exploration of intentions, concerns and information needs of vaccine hesitant adults initially prioritised to receive COVID-19 vaccines in Australia. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.
- Steffens M.S., Dunn A.G., Marques M.D., Danchin M., Witteman H.O., Leask J (2021) Addressing Myths and Vaccine Hesitancy: A Randomized Trial. Pediatrics.
- Sisnowski J, Vujovich-Dunn C, Gidding H, Brotherton J, Wand H, Lorch R, Veitch M, Sheppeard V, Effler P, Skinner SR, Venn A, et al. (2021) Differences in school factors associated with adolescent HPV vaccination initiation and completion coverage in three Australian states. Vaccine.
- Vujovich-Dunn C, Skinner SR, Brotherton J, Wand H, Sisnowski J, Lorch R, Veitch M, Sheppeard V, Effler P, Gidding H, Venn A, et al.(2021) School-Level Variation in Coverage of Co-Administered dTpa and HPV Dose 1 in Three Australian States. Vaccines.
- Leask J, Seale H, Williams JH, Kaufman J, Wiley K, Mahimbo A, Clark KK, Danchin MH, Attwell K. (2021) Policy considerations for mandatory COVID-19 vaccination from the Collaboration on Social Science and Immunisation. Medical Journal of Australia.
- Helps C, Barclay L, Carter SM, Leask J. (2021) Midwifery care of non-vaccinating families — Insights from the Byron Shire. Women and Birth.
- Davies C, Stoney T, Hutton H, Parrella A, Kang M, Macartney K, Leask J, McCaffery K, Zimet G, Brotherton JML, Marshall HS, et al. (2021) School-based HPV vaccination positively impacts parents’ attitudes toward adolescent vaccination, Vaccine.
- Odone A, Dallagiacoma G, Frascella B, Signorelli C, Leask J. (2021) Current understandings of the impact of mandatory vaccination laws in Europe. Expert Review of Vaccines.
- Carlson SJ, Blyth CC, Beard FH, Hendry AJ, Cheng AC, Quinn HE, Leask J, Macartney K (2021) Influenza disease and vaccination in children in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia.
- Vujovich-Dunn C, Kaufman J, King C, Skinner SR, Wand H, Guy R, Leask J. A systematic review and meta-analysis of effectiveness of decision aids for vaccination decision-making, Vaccine.
- Norman, D.A., Carlson, S.J., Tuckerman, J., Kaufman, J., Moore, H.C., Seale, H., Leask, J., Marshall, H., Hughes, C., Blyth, C.C., Danchin, M. (2021) The Collaboration for Increasing Influenza Vaccination in Children (CIIVIC): a meeting report. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.
- Carlson S, Quinn HE, Blyth C, Cheng A, Clark J, Francis JR, Marshall HS, Macartney K, Leask J (2021). Barriers to influenza vaccination of children hospitalised for respiratory infections: a cross-sectional survey. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health.
- Kaufman J, Attwell K, Hauck Y, Leask J, Omer SB, Regan A, Danchin M. (2021) Designing a multi-component intervention (P3-MumBubVax) to promote vaccination in antenatal care in Australia. Health Promotion Journal of Australia.
- Seale H, Heywood AE, Leask J, Sheel M, Durrheim DN, Bolsewicz K, Kaur R. (2021) Examining Australian public perceptions and behaviors towards a future COVID-19 vaccine. BMC Infectious Disease.
- Hyland-Wood, B., Gardner, J., Leask, J., & Ecker, U. K. H. (2021). Toward effective government communication strategies in the era of COVID-19. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
- Pickles K, Cvejic E, Nickel B, Copp T, Bonner C, Leask J, Ayre J, Batcup C, Cornell S, Dakin T, Dodd RH, Isautier JMJ, McCaffery KJ.(2021) COVID-19 Misinformation trends in Australia: prospective longitudinal national survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
- Wiley KE, Leask J, Attwell K, Helps C, Degeling C, Ward P, Carter SM. (2020) Parenting and the vaccine refusal process: a new explanation of the relationship between lifestyle and vaccination trajectories. Social Science and Medicine.