New publications

In a recent analysis paper published in BMJ Global Health, Majdi Sabahelzain and Julie Leask from SABII, along with Harriet Dwyer (LSHTM) and Seye Abimbola (SSPH), analysed vaccination coverage and the trend of polio and measles outbreaks in five countries affected by conflict in the Sahel Region of Africa: Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Niger, and Sudan. The study reveals that ongoing conflicts lead to more children missing vaccinations and an increase in polio outbreaks caused by vaccine-derived poliovirus and measles in these countries. Health insecurity in the Sahel region is highlighted by the emergence of genetically linked polio variants, primarily due to the mobility of nomads and displaced and refugee populations who might be un or under-vaccinated. The paper also suggests using diplomatic strategies and investing in creative methods to help reach vaccination programs in hard-to-access areas.

In December, Majdi Sabahelzain presented some of his research into zero-dose children in conflict during Gavi’s Zero-Dose Learning Week Post-Event Webinar went live last December on YouTube.


Congratulations to two of SABII’s team members who recently graduated, Dr Maria Christou-Ergos and Dr Belinda Bruce, pictured below with their supervisors Dr Kerrie Wiley, Prof Julie Leask and A/Prof Heather Shepherd. Also credit to A/Prof Brad de Vries, who also supervised Belle.

Dr Bruce’s thesis is titled: An examination of the administration of intravenous fluids to women during labour. Dr Christou-Ergos’ thesis is titled:  Understanding vaccine hesitancy in relation to psychological trauma. Some of their findings can be found in the papers below:

New pre-prints from the SABII team

Check out two new pre-prints from the SABII team, led by Dr Christou-Ergos. See the abstracts below, and click the links to see the full articles.

Christou-Ergos, Maria and Sabahelzain, Majdi M. and Steffens, Maryke and Kaufman, Jessica and Bolsewicz, Katarzyna T. and Danchin, Margie and Leask, Julie, The Drivers of Influenza Vaccination in Adults: Insights from a National Australian Survey (August 26, 2024).


Influenza vaccination coverage is suboptimal in the Australian adult population. While coverage data is used to monitor uptake, at present, there is no systematic data collection on the behavioural and social drivers of vaccination. This study used a globally standardized survey tool to measure constructs related to influenza vaccination within four domains (i) vaccination-related thoughts and feelings, (ii) social processes, (iii) motivation, and (iv) practical issues.

An online survey was administered to a sample of 2055 Australian adults recruited via an online panel in March 2024. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine factors that contributed to people’s intention to receive an influenza vaccine.

Most Australian adults (62.8%) wanted an influenza vaccine in the upcoming influenza season. The odds of wanting an influenza vaccine were significantly greater for people who: had received an influenza vaccine in the preceding two years (aOR:10.35; 95% CI: 7.09-15.11) p<.001; thought the influenza vaccine offered personal protection (aOR:2.66; 95% CI: 1.76-4.01) p<.001; thought the influenza vaccine offered protection to others (aOR:1.6; 95% CI: 1.08-2.39) p=0.02; thought the influenza vaccine was important for their own health  (aOR:1.53; 95% CI: 1.03-2.27) p=0.04; felt a social responsibility to get an influenza vaccine (aOR:4.05; 95% CI: 2.88-5.68) p<.001; believed close family and friends wanted them to get the influenza vaccine (aOR:2.35; 95% CI: 1.67-3.3) p<.001; believed community leaders wanted them to get the influenza vaccine (aOR:1.48; 95% CI: 1.08-2.01) p=0.01; received a recommendation to get the influenza vaccine from a health care worker in last two years (aOR:1.7; 95% CI: 1.24-2.32) p<.001.

This study provides a foundation for ongoing national monitoring of the drivers of influenza vaccination. This will help tailor timely strategies to population needs. Strategies that increase confidence in the value of vaccination, foster positive social norms within communities and increase access to vaccine services may help increase influenza vaccine acceptance.

Leask, Julie and Christou-Ergos, Maria and Abdi, Ikram and Mbossou, Franck and Sabahelzain, Majdi M. and Wiley, Kerrie and Lambach, Philipp and Sim, So Yoon, Informing the Development of Transmission Modelling Guidance for Global Immunization Decision-Making: A Qualitative Needs Assessment (August 26, 2024). Available at SSRN:


In recent years, mathematical transmission models have been increasingly used to support immunization program decisions and to measure the impact and cost-effectiveness of interventions. However, countries face expertise-and resource-related barriers that limit the use and application of modelled evidence to inform decisions. The World Health Organization (WHO) established an Immunization and Vaccines Related Implementation Research advisory committee subgroup in 2023 to support immunization decision-makers to effectively generate, translate and use such evidence for strategies, policies, and programs. This study supports this effort, detailing the needs of end-users to inform content and format of the guidance.

Fifteen in-depth interviews were conducted with vaccination decision-makers and modellers from all WHO regions and across low-,middle- and high-income countries. Interviews explored: (i) how modelling is understood and used; (ii) the challenges faced when using modelled evidence; (iii) the types of guidance that would be most useful to enhance the use of modelled evidence. Analysis of transcripts was guided by the framework method.

Participants with modelling expertise used it firsthand, systematically, and often in an advisory capacity. Less experienced users, often in policy advisory roles, were less confident in their understanding of modelling and some did not use it at all. Decision-makers with little or no modelling experience cited a need for more information to help them understand the value of modelling in their context and many supported its potential. All participants saw a need for capacity strengthening and localised application to instil confidence in using modelled evidence. Those with less experience expressed a need for ongoing interactive engagement with knowledge brokers and training.

Immunisation program review in Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste has succeeded in controlling several diseases, including polio, maternal and neonatal tetanus, and endemic measles and rubella.  The country has also introduced several new vaccines in recent years, mostly recently HPV vaccination in a very successful rollout. The Ministry of Health requested a joint national / international review of the Expanded Programme on Immunization and vaccine preventable disease surveillance system in Timor Leste (EPI review). The review also combined a post-introduction evaluation for pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and COVID-19 vaccine. The international review team included: Professor Julie Leask (SPH),  Dr Dijana Spasenoska, (WHO HQ), Dr Tondo Opute Emmanuel Njambe and Dr Sigrun Roesel (WHO SEARO), Dr Sarah Sheridan and Dr Ann Burton (NCIRS), Dr Monica Shah and Dr Michael Lynch (US CDC), Dr Jobayer Al Mamum (WHO Bangladesh), Dr Jeffrey Jap (East Nusa Tenggara PHO), Dr Khin Devi Aung (UNICEF EAPRO) and Dr Ratih Oktri Nanda (MoH Indonesia). It was coordinated by the World Health Organization HQ, Regional Office for Southeast Asia, and Timor Leste Country Office. 

This was an intense two weeks of fieldwork, debriefing and reporting held from 14th to 25th October. Seven teams comprising international reviewers, Ministry of Health staff, and WHO consultants visited 13 municipalities, 73 health facilities and did 14 national-level interviews. They synthesised findings and recommendations over two days and presented them to the Minister for Health, Hon Dr Élia António de Araújo dos Reis Amaral, her ministry, and key partners. 

The review recommended strengthening several areas: staff orientation and supportive supervision, updating and supply of guidelines and forms, waste management, strengthened cold chain monitoring, follow-up of missed children, outreach, coverage assessment, adverse events response, and strengthening the system for working with community volunteers. These build on many strengths, including the commitment and existing expertise of staff throughout the program. Detailed findings of this review will inform the National Immunisation Strategy, 2025-2029.


Recently our SABII co-leads, Professor Julie Leask and Dr Kerrie Wiley, took part in a series of researcher videos with Sydney ID – the Sydney Infectious Disease Institute.

This is Julie’s video about vaccine uptake research:

This is Kerrie’s video about her research into how people think and feel about vaccinating humans and animals:

Take a look at the other researcher videos here to find out about the amazing work Sydney ID researchers are doing.

Conference season!

A large chunk of the SABII team were away over the last fortnight to attend conferences.

Julie headed to Bangkok to present at VARN2023 – the Vaccine Acceptance Research Network’s 2023 conference. Julie joined a plenary panel discussion titled “Challenges of Online & Offline Circulating Misinformation Relating to Zero-Dose Children and Vaccine Introduction“. The other panellists were Adidja Amani, from the WHO Regional Office for Africa; Ana Bottallo, journalist from Brazil; Farah Naz Qamar, Associate Professor from Pakistan; and Joe Smyser, CEO of The Public Good Projects.


Last week was the annual CDIC 2023 (Communicable Diseases and Immunisation Conference) in Perth, Western Australia.

Rebika, Adeline, Julie, Kerrie – at the CDIC in Perth.
Kerrie Wiley with 4th year vet student, Jessica Kropich-Grant, who presented collaborative work done by the School of Public Health and the Sydney Vet School.
Julie Leask, presenting at CDIC2023 about her study on journalists’ experiences of reporting the pandemic.